Flash Fiction

the last serenade..

As he approaches her cottage, she could feel his heart beats; Can it be true? She whispers. After all those years, he is back; I must dress up- I will put on the velvet dress he adores. His foot steps are becoming closer and closer; she hears knocks on the door. Gosh, where is the perfume he bought me on our first Valentines day? Here it is and I will just play the music we used to dance to all night long.

She rushed down stairs to the main door; My God, you are still so handsome love… But why sadness fills your eyes?. I am sorry baby, tonight you will go to bed listening to the serenade I composed especially for you. With no regrets; darling, read my mind- a gorgeous red-haired is an aspiration- a fresh blossom.

Flash Fiction Prompts

A lost luster.

Tonight, he went to the same place he visited about six hundred years ago. Trying to find a clue or a trace of a crazy feeling he longed for since ever.

She was supposed to be still dancing on the stage with that tiny red lingerie. going around that shinny pillar. Unfortunately, he saw all other dancers except the one in the red lingerie. asked the waitress, she is off today, you know where she stays, don’t you? – a response with a yellow smile.

Yea, he remembers the apartment at the end of the ninety-one steps upwards narrow bushy ally. But, i would he still be able to climb those as he used to do?

tried hard, rested every few steps of the stairs that was almost covered with mud. knocked the door, she opened wrapped on a thick red woolen coat. Gosh, baby it is you! she sneaked a straight look to his eyes, then stared down to the door step murdering: My hero, where has your lust gone? – now I am torn.

Flash Fiction Prompts

Six Feet Tall..

In a Jiffy, She loved a handsome six feet tall male.

In another one she had his baby,

In the last one, she waved goodbye to a six feet long box.

Disgusting life! she morns with grieve.