Fiction illusions Flash Fiction

..”Do You?”..

Do you understand trampled emotions?

Fed up; Do you?

Do you really understand your improvisations?

Does it seem defected?

Incompleteness; Do you care?

Lame signs; how many Do you?

Late adolescence inspirational; Do you?

Dry emotional attachment; Do you spiteful?

Illogically counterproductive rebel; Do you?

Narrow dark prominence; Do you manage?

Returned loved ones; dialogue refusal; Do you?

Challenge corrupted soul; Do you?

Developed arrogance; Do you?

Sophisticated ‘’Do You’’ concepts! Did you?

Flash Fiction

Fairy Tales.

Once upon a time..

Granny, please stop this. I have been hearing this rubbish for the last eighty-four years before going to sleep.

Why don’t you tell me a fairy tale about the ant that went to gym to fall in love with the conveyor’s butterfly; honeymoon in Vienna.

Or about the snake that panicked as the Mark seized her juniors before striking a deal to cure his wife if he returned her little ones; Mark’s wife is no longer blind now. little ones went to Walt Disney on the week end.

Or about the mermaid that I always wanted to be like; free and single wandering between oceans, laying on the beach of Osaka watching the stars. I am dying Granny, no one can hear my sorrows, including yourself…

Granny, Granny, Good night.

Flash Fiction

Agile Loophole

Moments of silence, direction;

Heaven or hell, vision blurred,

Beloved lost to cancer,

Cold lonely years,

shredded feelings overwhelm.

Loopholes extend pains,

Veins shiver, casual; no more.

Release your tears;

Tonight only, you are allowed,

Just damn it, burn it on wet floors;

as you may, scream it in silence.

Lungs growing narrow,

While heavenly thin loophole evolves.

Now, escape, discharge all your powers to the wind,

With a smile that whispers:

Baby, craving for the red curly hair,

Now, as agile as ever;

never-ending loopholes, since ever.

Flash Fiction Prompts

A lost luster.

Tonight, he went to the same place he visited about six hundred years ago. Trying to find a clue or a trace of a crazy feeling he longed for since ever.

She was supposed to be still dancing on the stage with that tiny red lingerie. going around that shinny pillar. Unfortunately, he saw all other dancers except the one in the red lingerie. asked the waitress, she is off today, you know where she stays, don’t you? – a response with a yellow smile.

Yea, he remembers the apartment at the end of the ninety-one steps upwards narrow bushy ally. But, i would he still be able to climb those as he used to do?

tried hard, rested every few steps of the stairs that was almost covered with mud. knocked the door, she opened wrapped on a thick red woolen coat. Gosh, baby it is you! she sneaked a straight look to his eyes, then stared down to the door step murdering: My hero, where has your lust gone? – now I am torn.

Flash Fiction Poem


.. as we start..

flattered heart,

deal with it, it is your tart..

fly her to a planet,

collect ugly sand particles..

seek crystal ones, then

varnish the sunset,

where mermaids lay na….d.

mind the glass..

the one beside the candle..

filled with red wine..

finally, her tattoo will shine..

a mermaid in red.

remembers last spring;

a crushed soul;

worthless, stained charm,

craving for…..everything intact.


Flash Fiction

in a nest shell..

dear , it is ‘ in a nut shell’.

sorry but your English is weak,

did they teach you English at school?.


but why is that?

maybe they think it is a luxury..

but they teach you French, right.


never mind, it is not a luxury,

is it the masters’ language? not sure..

some schools followed, so did coffee shops.

forget about the delivery guy,

it was his granny who lived in the nest shell.

what on earth the grey-haired will think!

sheriff might tell.

Flash Fiction


Thoughts discordant,

fluffy soul, gingerly dying

doubtfully; blaming a destine,

speechless; just smell my tears,

dry heart, slaughtered,

identity falsified, gossip,

grey haired cornered in sadness,

volcanic lost soul;

what ever….

Flash Fiction

The Canary Dance..

When his neck was knocked down,

he started dancing.

The elephant’s wife stood far away watching;

Darling, never knew you a dancer.

Darling, Your turn is coming to perform the canary dance, he screams.


Flash Fiction Poem

Pure Sadness..

i am here, since ever, as ever,

laying down with my favorite sadness,

none-sensed rubbish angry tears..

surely, lovin all kinds of memories;

deeply, it lingers on;

cold look, yest charming,

boiling the blood in my veins,

insanely, all the veins

sadness at sunset,

sadness, evolution, rainbow;

ironically, coloring all moments orange,

creeping grieve; another miserable birthday party

ever since you left; kindness disappeared from the planet.

Now, you are here again.

will you take all the orange colored life,

the spirit, the purified mood?

again, to exit your paradise;

into a pure sadness, alone;

and forever.



Flash Fiction Quotes

Obnoxious minds…

Thoughts’ Gate Pierced;

Prohibited, yet Tasty Madness

Chaining Crazy Curves.

Endless Cuteness, disillusioned

Abandoned Table for Tow

Wine splashes melted Red Candles

Pointless, Uneven state of Mind

Prudent drizzly Summer

Acid rain over Tragic Relationships.

Crushed blossom; Intense,

Ditched on Tanned Neck.

Eternally, Joyfully,

Obnoxious Minds Illuminates.