Flash Fiction


just when the curtains of life starts rolling down

you recognize it

a scream, please days: mind my wig

go slow

take your oath; do not run that canary

a broken wing; hungry laid across the road

drove all night, never reached

a hazy destination

heart full of laughter

and a bit of tears

take me home, no not now

I wonna enjoy the funeral

Gosh, you look fabulous in pink

always hated your black oval hat

am i still me, still dubious, still fractured

never mind my cracked kidney

it will disappear soon

just keep it up; disconnected

then go to sleep; hug a billow.

wake up Blondie; feed me the bread

devils desire to tango. love at sunrise.





Flash Fiction Prompts Tiny Short Story

imminent recreation..

Alfonso thought about it since he was twelve….

Today, it is imminent.. Yes; it should be now before it is too late..

He is just not so sure where or when to start…and

With what?,….With whom?…..And why is it need:

Stupidity overwhelms!

Mate, it is a pain in the neck. Call whoever to recreate stinky souls..

When all done; devils will entertain the town again..

Chimneys fall on the backer shop..

Bar girls running across the street half naked..

Holding her son with bloody weak arms; Kate screams.

Be aware, the buss driver just went unconscious; drunk maybe.

Now, Alfonso calls again…

No answer… Why? Where it the Lord of the rings..

Where did all the peculiar guys disappear?

Alfonso, it is just another one ugly illusion of yours; Kate shouts..

Time to create it all over again; Maintain you manhood.