Fiction illusions

..status; blues…

leavin today!

what a madness!

do you believe the same words?

nope…as ever; a lie

a fancy silky tie,

just to be satisfied;

you name it, cry it..

can not hear you no more,

no such mercy,

alone again; in an abandoned town..

is it right, woman?

walk out. now please..

wonna cry the blues on stinky memories..

down with any trace of your passion.

not so sure about you woman,

darkness goes on and still,

a honey, a cutie, a memory.

Fiction illusions


Anything in common? Just wondering!!

mingled limits of caring, criticized;

busy pleasing stormy instinct,

triggered with anger, at last overwhelmed;

enough, nothing new;

bloodless periods; all year long;

state of worthless minds in difference,

thirsty for laughter, fatherhood;

craving to sings, lungs slaughtered,

after a thousand century of self-destruction,

his soul is finally healed;

again, via another devastation;

enjoyed a self-sabotaged youth;

differently raised up in pains,

damned; yet sabotaged soul.





”Silence is the most perfect expression of scorn.”

                                                                               George Bernard Shaw


Flash Fiction

Creeping Bleak

Grieved Irritations;

fear grainy emotions;

exterior frustration;

halting childhood dreams;

mercy broken youth;

around dark corners, doubt shimmers;

let me in, never mind the baby sitter;

grateful, the post man as usual;

new ventures generated;

every midnight at all;

faded satin dirt; endless endeavors;

getting slimmer; lovely night dress;

curves missing a touch;

Tango all the way to hell;

no partner, someone will be there;

somehow, if ever;

darkens; enjoy stinky alerts;

craving for sadness;

as ever; brutal nights;

adored her creeping bleak;

cannot complain it;

cried it last spring; what to do?

at least for now; complicated features;

squeeze hopes; escalate it;

spread it with oceans’ salted waters;

loathed blocked lungs; still ?!….